All it takes
is a swipe

Play the N9 experience!

The Swipenokia is back!

As a site project to celebrate the legendary Nokia N9, with also fresh content for the actual owners (upcoming).


Get even more from your Nokia N9 with Nokia accessories.

N9 Design Story

“We wanted to design a better way to use a phone, and it comes down to one simple gesture – a swipe.”

N9 Apps

Nokia N9 comes loaded with some top quality apps – with many more available at Nokia Store.

N9 Features

The swipe has made our best features even better and easier to use, so you can get straight to the important things.

Keep alive N9


Code your N9 apps with Qt SDK

Learn more at n9.dy ›


UX Design for the Nokia N9

Read the UX Guidelines docs and download all the templates, still on n9.dy ›

Buy the Nokia N9

Our store with recommissioned Nokia N9 will arrive soon.

If you're hurry to have an N9 (stock), the best place where to go is search the Uk sellers if you're in EU/usa, or a chinese one if you're in Asia.

Search N9 on ebay

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